Daily decisions are what the set the pace for a heart healthy life. At Central Georgia Heart Center, our cardiologists put prevention first. By making heart smart choices, you can make small steps towards heart health for a lifetime of benefits. Check out these 25 easy ways to be more heart healthy.
Heart Healthy Decisions You CAN Make
- Do Aerobic exercise 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes.
- Quit smoking, start by reducing your cigarette consumptions each day.
- Add in fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
- Go for a walk on your work breaks to give your body a break from sitting.
- Make your annual checkup with your Central Georgia Heart Center Cardiologist.
- Add in lean meats like fish, chicken, and turkey to your diet.
- Get enough rest. Adults need 6-8 hours minimum per night for their bodies to heal and regenerate.
- Eat healthy fats like olive oil and avocados rather than trans fats like fried food.
- Floss every day to prevent oral bacteria from entering your bloodstream.
- Avoid second-hand smoke, it’s just as bad (or worse) than smoking yourself.
- Drink less alcohol. Avoid binge drinking and nightly drinking.
- Take time to relax and destress to keep your blood pressure down.
- Get a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day.
- Spend more time with your pet. Animals are shown to reduce blood pressure and relieve stress.
- Ditch the second cup of coffee. Too much caffeine can be devastating for your heart.
- Take the stairs and park farther away to help increase your active minutes.
- Find an accountability partner. Success is greater when we work together.
- Educate yourself on heart health by checking out resources on our website and American Heart Association.
- Lose the extra pounds. Type 2 diabetes has terrible effects on your cardiovascular system. Managing your weight lowers cholesterol and your chances of developing diabetes.
- Meal plan before you go to the store so you have a plan to avoid junk foods. (Don’t grocery shop hungry.)
- Reward yourself for making good decisions with self-care. Plan a weekend getaway or book a pedicure to make healthy life choices feel more rewarding.
- Take a nutrition course to help you make the best eating choices for your body.
- Stay up to date on your blood tests and never skip medication without a doctor’s orders.
- When in doubt, contact a doctor. Don’t take any chances.
- Talk to a friend or family member. A sense of community and love can help you manage your health and make it a priority.